Healthylicious Kids in the Big City!

Bailey’s Nest was recently asked by friend and fellow food educator, Tatiana Ridley, to write a guest post on her blog, Healthylicious Bliss. When Tatiana approached me about the post I was thrilled and immediately thought of what’s near and dear to my heart; kids and food and The Big Apple. So check out Healthylicious Kids in the Big City at Healthylicious Bliss!

Tatiana Ridley is a Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach in New York City. Take a look at her website Tatiana’s Health and Wellness, for more information. She can also be found on Facebook at Tatiana’s Health and Wellness and Instagram @tatianaridley.

It’s been a busy few months, but check back soon for the next Bailey’s Nest post. For daily photos look on Instagram @kristinph18.










Weekend Post

Last weekend was another snowy one in the city, perfect for hibernating, cooking, and watching too many movies, inevitably leading to cabin fever! I think I’ve watched more television in the last two months than in the past 5 years. It seems like there’s no end in sight and we’ll be stuck in a blizzard for eternity. But on the bright side a long winter allows time for recipe experimentation, catching up on reading, and lots of white snow-filled photographs.


First up a pancake dinner! I found this vegan friendly Blueberry Banana Pancake recipe on the blog, Love & Lemons. I used white flour because I was out of whole wheat and gluten free flour and there was no way I would be venturing out in the ice and snow! Thick pillows of cinnamon banana deliciousness with real Canadian maple syrup, from our trip to Montreal. They were a hit!Pancake Stack3

What better time to bake chocolate chip cookies?! Stuck inside and I needed a sweet treat to send to my brother for his birthday! Now Tate’s Cookies, a.k.a. “crack cookies” because it’s humanly impossible to just eat one, are my favorite. The entire bag is usually consumed within a few hours. I Googled “Tate’s Cookie Recipe” and low and behold there’s actually a recipe! You can find the recipe on bon appetit’s website.

Cookie Sheet4

Use salted butter which the owner, Kathleen King, points out is the most important ingredient in the recipe. The homemade version of the cookies came out very similar; crispy, salty, buttery and sweet. Perfection!

Milk and CookiesFor dinner it was a creative non-traditional curry dish. I started with Curry Basmati Rice from Dual Specialty Store in East Village. In a separate pan I caramelized onions, garlic, fresh ginger, roasted potatoes and carrots in coconut oil. Finally I mixed everything together with cooked black beans. Lots of flavor, but will take a few more attempts to perfect.

Curry Pot1By Sunday it was time to leave the apartment! We ventured over to Brooklyn for a late brunch at Pies ‘n’ Thighs. Southern comfort food using fresh, sustainable, humanly raised ingredients. Just what I love!

Cooper UnionEast Village Building

doughnutBless your heart, order the fried chicken. Enough said!


Williamsburg Bridge

To end the weekend I had to try one more recipe. I have a sweet tooth and I live with a person who I’ve diagnosed with a sugar addiction! To try to reduce our intake of processed sugar I made fruit leather. Check out the recipe on the blog Oh My Veggies. I mixed together frozen mango and raspberry. It was a little difficult to blend in a Vitamix, but that may have been because I didn’t use the full amount of fruit the recipe called for. It’s very important to keep the oven at 175ºF because it will burn if the temperature is any higher.Fruit Leather1

Northern Lights

Our northbound road trip to Montreal started off with the typical Friday night city traffic which after the frustration and arguing led to a silent car for a bit. What felt like an eternity…because it was, we finally made it to the Northeast Kingdom, Burke, Vermont. All was right again Saturday morning waking up to the spectacular views of white capped mountains and a breakfast of champions; fried eggs on toast with maple butter made by my cousin. A perfect start to a bluebird day!!

bluebird mountainsView from my aunt and uncle’s home. I could get used to waking up to mountains and trees. Rejuvenated from sleeping in the middle of the mountains sans sirens, car alarms, and shouting!

Rock Wall

 SledsChristmas isn’t over yet in the Northeast Kingdom


xmastreeredbarneastburke2 redbarn2

We drove past farm after farm after farm on our way to Montreal

Field 3

Field 1

Field 2

I wouldn’t be the first and I won’t be the last to say, Montreal knows food. How to grow it, how to prepare it, and kicks it out of the park in delivery! Dinner at Pastaga on Saint Laurent Blvd. was one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time. Everything from the atmosphere to the service to the food was freaking outstanding! When we sat, I have to admit, it took a few minutes before anyone approached our table, but maybe it was the New York scent oozing from our pores that made them make us wait or just my grumbling stomach that made it seem longer than it was. As soon as the waiter, Malcolm, introduced himself all was changed and this restaurant experience was off to a very very good start. Malcolm was exceptional and didn’t disappoint in his guidance. Venison and foie gras perfectly rare with sweet potato puree…sweet, savory, salty mind blowing perfection. Salmon, dill, fennel, cucumber, radish dish served on a slab of wood. The salmon was so fresh (and so clean clean) as if it had been caught, killed, and prepared minutes before we ate it. We ended with crispy pork belly and a Quebec take on the Waldorf Salad. I thought I couldn’t look, let alone inhale another crumb, but my partner in crime has a minor sweet tooth, to say the least, and a meal at this restaurant would’t be complete without dessert. Malcolm brought out the big guns, a chocolate mouse and caramel delight! It was devoured within seconds much to my full belly feeling.

venison2  salmon2  chocolate2


Sunday was spent at Jean-Talon Market and in Old Montreal before embarking on our long, and I mean very long, drive back to Manhattan. We sampled as many types of cheese as possible, stocked up on real maple syrup, had a hard time choosing just one baguette at Joe la Croute, were awe struck at the sight of the interior of the Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal, and wandered the streets of Old Montreal. Ending our time in Montreal we stopped at Fous Desserts  because of course we needed a snack for our snow-filled journey back to NYC. We walked out with a bag of croissants and chocolates…they were gone before we crossed the Connecticut border!

Church Door



Maple Syrup

Cheese Tower

Wine Restaurant

Female Statue



Cheese Stands Alone


Conclusion from our northern road trip- spend more time in Vermont and Montreal!

To Do List for the next trip to Montreal:

  1. Joe Beef
  2. Brasserie T
  3. St-Viateur Bagel
  4. La Banquise
  5. Mount-Royal 
  6. Musee d’art contemporain de Montreal
  7. Joyce Yahouda Gallery
  8. SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art

A Day of Thanksgiving Prep

Yesterday began with a cortado and a fruit toast with melted brie and butter at Bluebird Coffee Shop on East 1st Street. An indulgent breakfast followed by a brisk walk to Union Square in what felt like January temperatures, but the bright sunshine was warming.  I spent the afternoon collecting Thanksgiving Day supplies at the Union Square Greenmarket. Compared to my brief walk by of the market on Saturday, Monday was pleasant and calm providing opportunities to chat with the farmers and take pictures. Below are pictures of the day and a few recipes. Enjoy!

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Bluebird Coffee Shop


cranberries at the greenmarket

Homemade Cranberry Sauce- fresh cranberries, some sugar (or honey), water, and a little orange peel. You control the sugar, cut out the additives and high fructose corn syrup. Add a little ginger for an extra zing.

Some More Recipes:

Cranberry-Orange Sauce

Cranberry Quince Preserves


people watcher

brussels sprouts

brussel sprouts at maxwell’s farm at the greenmarket

Simple Roasted Brussels Sprouts- olive oil, salt and pepper make for an easy and scrumptious side dish for the holidays (or any dinner choice in my opinion). For an extra savory touch add bacon.

Some More Recipes:

Maple & Balsamic Brussels Sprouts

Crispy Brussels Sprouts with Broccolini, Bacon & Pine Nuts

Brussels Sprouts with Lemon & Parmesan

Hot Tea

tweefontem herb farm at the greenmarket

Apples at MArket

red jacket orchard at the greenmarket

small 3 applesWhen I got home I cooked a batch to bring to my families home in Boston this week. Homemade Applesauce- apples, water, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamon, sugar (or honey) and a little butter. I could have devoured the entire batch out of the pot, but I found my self-control…after a few big spoonfuls. So easy to make and all you need are apples and water, then the rest of the ingredients are up to your taste buds. My favorite recipe is Susan Branch’s from Heart of the Home .

Another Recipe: Chai-Spiced Slow Cooker Pear Applesauce

small mason jar


window filled with sweets at breads bakery on east 16th street. i just couldn’t resist picking up a few for thanksgiving dessert


carrots from madura farm at the greenmarket

Try roasting carrots with olive oil, salt, and honey (and sage or rosemary). Add some parsnips for a little mix.

Some More Recipes:

Rosemary Roasted Baby Carrots with Honey Brown Butter

Roasted Root Vegetable

Curried Baked Carrot Chips


two trees in union square park

Beauty Through Food

“She was big on these natural treatments, and in the winter, once a week she’d cut a slice of lemon or grapefruit and rub it on her face first thing in the morning. It was her trick to clarify the top layer of the skin.”

– Mireille Guiliano, French Women for All Seasons


Now more than ever FOOD effects how we look and feel. The temptations of salt, sugar, and, fat are a constant struggle with the food devils and angels. I approach this very tender subject from a balance perspective. Balance is the essence of a well-lived life. Knowing what you put in your body, the benefits and harm, is critical to being true to yourself. If most of the time your diet consists of vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, nuts, legumes, and small amounts of fish* and meat*, then why not indulge in your sweet tooth and salt cravings in small amounts every once in a while. But first try cutting back on the food devils (for at least 3 weeks) and see how you look and feel. Instead of two 2tsps. of sugar in your coffee, try 1tsp. and add cinnamon. Reach for a SMALL homemade chocolate chip cookie instead of a bag of Oreo’s. Better yet, a small cup of homemade trail mix- dark chocolate, raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, and a dried fruit. Walk away from the potato chips and have some roasted pistachios or olives. What it comes down to is eliminating (or highly limiting) processed foods. Foods overloaded with chemicals and additives that cause disease and make us literally addicted to the food or drink.

*local, grass-fed, wild-caught are the best options; try looking for cuts (meat) and types (fish) that aren’t as popular. Cuts of meat that are unpopular can be used in soups which last for multiple meals and fill up the belly. Types of fish that are caught closer to where you live will be cheaper and have far less chemicals. And of course smaller portions of meat and fish are healthier and cheaper.

Beauty products should be treated with the same outlook. Look to your kitchen for beauty product home remedies. Stop buying the cleansers, moisturizers, and hair products full of chemicals and cost a days salary. Below I’ve gathered articles and quotes from books I’ve collected over the years on simple beauty and health benefits. And to think they’re the healthy foods to eat as well. Well-being inside and out! Happy reading and gathering!

Goat Milk Soap

West Tisbury Farmer’s Market, Martha’s Vineyard

Mireille Guiliano, French Women for All Seasons:

– Before moisturizing, I rinse my hair with cold water to which I’ve added a teaspoon of vinegar or the juice of a lemon, as my mother taught me to do: this will make it shinier than expensive products will.

– For my teenage pre-period skin problems, she’d put some parsley juice on a piece of cotton and apply it to troublesome spots. No matter the skin type, she’d recommend this one over and over: before a party, mix an egg yolk with a few drops of olive oil and leave the mixture on the face for 15 minutes.

– All bottled waters are not created equal. Read the label. Some of the best-selling brands have high levels of sodium, which people with high blood pressure or heart disease should avoid, and many mineral-rich waters have high calcium levels, which should be a red alert to those susceptible to kidney stones.

Jeff O’Connell, Sugar Nation:

– In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers divided a group of young pimpletons into two groups. The control was fed a diet heavy in processed carbs, what they probably favored before the study. The other group was not allowed to eat white bread and other refined carbs; instead they relied on a hunter-gatherer’s diet of lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy. The latter group proved far more likely to see their blemishes vanish. The experiment reverse-engineered an anthropological observation – the absence of acne in traditional hunting societies, from South America to Australia and the Pacific Islands. That is, until they switch menus. “Once you place them on a Western diet that’s high in easily digestible carbohydrates, which are not part of the traditional hunter’s diet, acne appears, says Neil J. Mann, Ph.D., nutrition professor at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. So it’s not genetic; it’s something their prior diet protected them from.”

1 radish


Refinery 29, Fashion, Style, and Beauty Website

(excerpt) Sugar in all forms causes spikes in pimple-producing hormones.

Aside from the excess hormones, milk stimulates insulin production in the body, which can cause your skin to produce pimples.


Weston A. Price Foundation, Nutrition Education Foundation

(excerpt) Myth: A low-fat diet will make you feel better . . . and increase your joy of living.

Truth: Low-fat diets are associated with increased rates of depression, psychological problems, fatigue, violence and suicide. (Lancet 3/21/92 v339)

Myth: Heart disease in America is caused by consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products.

Truth: During the period of rapid increase in heart disease (1920-1960), American consumption of animal fats declined but consumption of hydrogenated and industrially processed vegetable fats increased dramatically. (USDA-HNI)

lemon and chia seeds

start your day with hot lemon water and chia seeds to wake up and cleanse your body of toxins


Kimberly Snyder, Author and Nutritionist

(excerpt) In addition to adding nourishing, nutritious foods to your diet for healthy hair and scalp, be sure you’re cutting out the things that can add waste to your blood, making it more difficult for the blood to get to the hair follicles (the capillaries get clogged). These clogging foods include dairy, soy, wheat, animal fat, sugar, and cooked vegetable oils (this includes vegan products like vegan butters and mayonnaise).

Lavender 3

West Tisbury Farmer’s Market, Martha’s Vineyard


Huffington Post, News Blog

Dry Lips:

What you’ll need: Jojoba oil or shea butter.

Recipe: Jojoba oil moisturizes skin with its high nutritional vitamin E and zinc properties. Shea butter comes from the nut of a shea tree grown in West Africa. Its natural moisturizing components are considered to be one of the best remedies for dry, cracked skin.


Sally B’s Skin Yummies, Beauty Blog

(excerpt) There are so many different and great ways to support the fight against breast cancer, but one we feel most passionate about is raising awareness about harmful toxins in your daily life – mainly those found in personal care products – that can be potential causes of the disease. More and more research is showing alarming rates of personal care ingredients accumulating in breast tissue that we believe by avoiding toxic ingredients you can reduce your risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.

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early morning shadows


Refinery 29, Fashion, Style, and Beauty Website

(excerpt) French women focus much more on skin care than cosmetics; we like to have a super-healthy, luminous, and clear complexion,” says Mathilde Thomas

But, another way women moisturize is with oils, a ritual that’s just catching wind on this side of the pond. Thomas explains: “Oils have been integral to the beauty rituals of many French women for years. From when they are little girls, French women use homemade masks to nourish hair and skin. “I remember my grandmother creating a mask with egg yolks for my hair and rinsing with vinegar,” says French-born Marie-Laure Fournier


Huffington Post, News Blog

(excerpt) Revive, rejuvenate or completely rescue your dry, dull or lifeless hair and skin with nature’s pure and potent properties. Eight all-natural recipes made with fresh, organic and raw ingredients offer a variety of beneficial results for your hair and skin.

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breakfast smoothie- raspberry, strawberry, banana, almond milk, oats, chia seeds (add almond butter or hemp seeds)

Extra Article:

Weston A. Price Foundation, Nutrition Education Foundation


A Better Breakfast


This morning I wandered around the Lower East Side looking for a nutritious, wholesome, filling breakfast to start my day and focus my hazy mind from a busy weekend. I found it at Dimes on Division Street! Minimal, uncomplicated, fresh setting (a welcome lull from the busy city) with a menu that breaks away from the salt, butter, sugar, dairy, and carb heavy options of most brunch spots. Stop by for a tasty breakfast or lunch. A happy tummy makes for a productive mind!

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cayenne lemonade- refreshing, not overwhelmingly spicy, detoxifying goodness

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breakfast pudding- chia seed, almond milk, banana, berries, buckwheat, & hemp

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eggs any style- greens, roasted tomatoes, & 7 grain toast

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Children's Garden

children’s garden, lower east side

J Train

j train making it’s way to manhattan

Williamsburg Bridge

williamsburg bridge


neighborhood watch

Brooklyn Excursion

Foliage and Brownstones

fort greene brownstones and fall foliage

What is a crisp Fall day without pie?  Brooklyn and pie, what a day! Four and Twenty Blackbirds in Gowanus is the place to enjoy a homemade sweet treat and a warm cuppa tea.



fort greene

Hawk, Tree

father and son looking at a hawk in the tree

TeaProcessed with VSCOcam

Founded by two sisters, Four and Twenty Blackbirds has everything from savory delights to sweet treats sourcing locally grown and organic ingredients whenever possible. The Sweet Potato Apple Crumble was a tasty combination of sweet apples, flaky crust and crunchy crumble with the sweet potato topping it off to make the perfect fall pie. Order a pie for Thanksgiving and make everyone happy!

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Fall sunset

late afternoon fall sun


walking home on s. elliott place